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Ayurveda & Yoga

One of the finest beach resorts in Kerala maintaining ayurvedic tradition. In Palm Leaves Beach Resort Ayurveda center, the ancient tradition of Ayurveda with all its possibilities is maintained under professional management. The various therapies are offered all year round, especially during the monsoon season, which is the most ideal time. Regenerating your body and mind to find new energy for stressed daily life . The various treatments and therapies rejuvenate the whold body, relax the muscles and detoxify the body.

There are various original Ayurvedic treatments and therapies. The subjects to treatments ranging from traditional Panchakarma treatments ( cleaning and rejuvenating spa ) on slimming and beauty treatments to special treatments for psoriasis and arthritis. For all Ayurvedatreatments Yoga is offered as an integral part .

The classical Panchakarma blesses the people with longevity, memory strengthening , intellect, well-being , youthfulness , excelent skin texture, stronger joints, muscles and senseful organs. The Panchakarma brings the enzymes to their normal function back thereby revitalizing the cells. The medical specialty programs are suitable for certain indications especially arthritis, people with respiratory problems, psoriasis, insomnia etc.

The relaxation programs are posted by those guests who want to spend only a short time, or want to supplement their holidays with Ayurveda and Yoga which are being offered for 3, 5, or 7 days.

For all spa guests the Travancore Heritage Ayurvedic Resort offers a special range of Ayurvedic dishes that were catered to paficy both the taste and the digestive habits of Europeans.